Mobile - Android
- You may run this application directly from Web via Android Chrome Browser
- You may want to install this application directly onto the Home Screen
Installing the App on the Home Screen
- Get the latest version of the
site on the next re-launch of the app.
- Gain more real-estate of the screen, the application will run in
- Do this once
- from Chrome menu choose "Add to Home Screen"
- To get the latest version
- Use the task view, slide off the last view
of Quran4Me, go back to your home screen
- Re-launch the web app from the Home Screen shortcut you created in the
first step.
Clearing the Mobile Browser Site Cache
- Periodically, we encourage you to clear your browser cache and refresh
this application.
- If you have invested time creating Bookmarks, make sure you use the
Backup menu option in the Bookmarks View.
- This will allow to save all your bookmarks to a file of your choosing.
- This file can be later restored via the Restore menu option of
the Bookmarks View
- To Clear Site Cache on Android
- Use the Browser Settings
- Then Privacy & Security
- Then "Clear browsing data"
- (The above is an interim solution to updating your application until it
can be more automated and a detection implemented).
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