Mobile - Android

  1. You may run this application directly from Web via Android Chrome Browser
  2. You may want to install this application directly onto the Home Screen

Installing the App on the Home Screen


  1. Get the latest version of the site on the next re-launch of the app.
  2. Gain more real-estate of the screen, the application will run in full-screen.


  1. Do this once
    1. from Chrome menu choose "Add to Home Screen"
  2. To get the latest version
    1. Use the task view, slide off the last view of Quran4Me, go back to your home screen
    2. Re-launch the web app from the Home Screen shortcut you created in the first step.

Clearing the Mobile Browser Site Cache

  1. Periodically, we encourage you to clear your browser cache and refresh this application. 
  2. If you have invested time creating Bookmarks, make sure you use the Backup menu option in the Bookmarks View.
    1. This will allow to save all your bookmarks to a file of your choosing.
    2. This file can be later restored via the Restore menu option of the Bookmarks View
  3. To Clear Site Cache on Android
    1. Use the Browser Settings
    2. Then Privacy & Security
    3. Then "Clear browsing data"
  4. (The above is an interim solution to updating your application until it can be more automated and a detection implemented).

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